Tuesday, July 27, 2010

CAPS anyone?

This is my blog rite.
so i hve the right to say what i want. even involve personal things..
owh jgn slh fhm.. i'm not being emo. tp mate teramat mengntok nk teruskn study..


ape beza dua tuh? find for urself. if not i'm telling answers to what i'm about to say..

i like to play with cap.. RECENTLY..
of course it happens to be something special beyond it.. cewah2..
i find it as a sweet act by someone to whom they want to..
sweet kind of play... thx~

haha xphm kn.. thats why ak suh find d diff btween dua tu..

Saturday, July 17, 2010

old times

Tbe2 je terigt zmn kanak2 dlu.
when was a kid... huhu

jd ape lg. ak pn geledah la gmba lme2.

huhu. yg sedihnye. i cant find my own pictures when i was a little.
mak kte, time fatin xde gmba. abah byk amek video. huhu.
bt still sedihla. org len sumer ade gmba kecik2. ak ni xde lgsung.

nk bangge time kecik kecik2 dlu comel pn xle... haha :DD

tbe2 kn terjmpe skeping dua gmba. tu pn time sdah bpe thn.
pic of me as 'baby girl' xde pn.. huaaa...

So, shall we see ap yg ade.. :P

ni bg dib ngn kak nana

my youngest amalia.. 'adek' *haha ke tbalik ayt ak*

afiq.. haha

mak ckp, muke fatin sebijik ngn adek waktu kecik.. hehe.
so sme x?

adek vs fatin

sje merapu gmba lme.. huu.
tbe2 ase nk pergi blk zmn tu.. huhu

time machine! time machine!! :P

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Belanjawan 2010

semester 1, 2010/2011. .. ... ....

hmm, ape besnye? xtaula. br nk lalui. . ..
hr ni last day bole update blog.

semester ini, ak sgt berazam byk (mcm sem2 lps haha) to focus on study.
let go of the things yg melekakn.
more focus on STUDY! STUDY!! STUDY!!!

huhu harapnye mjd.

my plan:

1) jgn susahkn MAK ABAH
2) BERJIMAT CERMAT. (suke hati la nk kte ak stingy)
3) kurgkan menonton wyg
4) always think before you buy..hehe memndgkn nt duit masuk
5) puasa byk2 (cara bjimat selain...ehem2 haha)
6) jgn mkn byk sgt
7) be PRO in badminton . . since i'm taking skill on badminton
8) always prefer a cheap date (e.g layang2 hahaha)

thats all.

i wish all of us success yeah!! :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Its still early morning. .

i feel soooo hhhaaaaaaapppyyyyyyyy~ today!
i'm happy more than words can describe it! :DD
why? hehe. its a secret i guess.
last night really brightens my mood.
I woke up today with a smile in my heart. ekekek (^_^)!!
Hoping everything will be like it used to be. Always!

Have a nice day!!! :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

random facts

1) When i'm not responding to what we talked, doesn't mean i don't care. I am actually waiting for you to explain what you said.

2) I might not bothered but i wish you could understand how i felt.

3) I'm asking too much because i really care. Not because i'm controlling or anything.

4) When i'm saying ok, it means i bothered not to talk about it.

5) When i said something suddenly, i wish you would feel the same.

6) When i said it repeatedly, i really meant it...