Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New single from T-ara... "I'm really Hurt" the other track kind of nk tiru Britney..so this one jela i'm satisfied so far..
Not bad la.. way better than BO Beep bt still xle lwn "Time To Love" huhu~

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

kne balik da..

Last day of vacation..esok klas da start and esok jugak ade exm microP. Xsukee~ nye study xmule ape pn.. huh jnji palsu dlm diri je nk study awal..isk2 cmne ni.. apekan dye klo niat nk study jek mesti ngntok..last2 anyway holiday was great again.. blk kne pulun study plak plus dm plus assignment plus projek..huhu
OK la bye everyone..t8 cre

Monday, February 15, 2010

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

After a long day hanging out with my family at Hutan Sungai Lentang near to Janda Baik, we went for a movie! Well at first, i don't expect the movie would be this awesome! Cz we all kind of tired after all that mandi stuff. Actually its between The Wolfman and Percy and I picked Percy Jackon. Of Course! who wants to watch scary movie at night? (me la of cz!) hahaha.
The moments the movie starts it was like bang! haha cz evn the introduction gives us a shocked already with all the action. Its the same director as Harry Potter so its kind of 2nd harry potter i think. Logan Lerman really attracts me huhu. He is charming and yet what kind can i say.. his style is like zac efron. Starting to like this actor~ and overall the movie is 4 stars from me~ ekekek.. Others might not agree sbb their adventures was like easy and its a shorted action. But watever it is Dont forget to watch it! :) Berbaloi utk sebuah kepenatan haha ayat slh..

Friday, February 12, 2010


C.N. Blue or Code Name Blue released the music video the K-Pop fan boards have been anticipating for a month or so, since the first teaser came out. Why? One of the four adorable bandmates — Jung Yonghwa — snagged a leading role on You're Beautiful Korean TV drama kpop bands. The song titled i'm a loner and try to listen :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

After School?

jz wanna share a song that interests me a lot. Currently listening to Because of You from grup After School. Over and over again. br nk start kenal deorg 7 or 6 of them i think haha xigtla.. One of them yg blakon korean drama You are Beautiful, UEE. I think she's a good actrees. Okla for a start, sbb xlyn cter tu sgt so xle ckp lebey..huhu

Sgt suke akan lagu ini.. sbb it fits me kot. Try to listen k!

Feel offended..

I have a friend who for me, he is really a GOOD FRIEND. haha jgn slh fhm k..

Hari ni berakhir dah hari yg memenatkn. Byk btol kerenah nk handle. Hmm..ase2 sumer pn xsempurna kn? Tp atleast we should support them. Ape korg rse klo suddenly org tnye feedback psl sumting yg korg buat, tp org tu jwb “dah agk da” (referring tu membosankn) feel offended kn? What if lg sorg plak bler kite ckp psl sesuatu feedback tu die kate ”ala xpe..okla tu” well I’m not being biased, tp u can see d difference kn? Bler kite rse bende tu mcm xbes bg kite..he say it in the other way cm” xdela, aku ase ok je”.. Nice kn? Haha.. That’s why I said he is GOOD FRIEND of mine..bcz he is being such a good friend that makes others appreciate him as a fren(sgt2 J).

Anyway today is really tired. Tp ase sonok sbb dpt bdak br. Setiap kali g DM ni mesti ade bnde yg fatin ase fatin blaja sesuatu.

My mentee die cter..ktenye die slalu mls solat. Lps amek wudu’ mesti tbe2 ase mcm ade je bnde hlg die dr solat. N akhirnye die xsolat pn dgn bjanji kononnye esok jela die solat. Syg kn? ‘Dia’ dala pndai sbb bdak tu peka n nmpak die tahu ape yg die blaja..which is good tp klo xsolat cne nk dpt ape yg nk dcapai. Tu br bdak kecil, n nasib baek ade kesedaran nk solat cume liat. Bygknla kite yg da besar ni..sikit2 lme2 jd bukit. Mule2 xsolat 1 waktu, lme2 biasa 1 hari plak. Tbe2 biasa tlebih 1mggu plak. Klo da over biasa tu 1bulan plak..last2? xsmayg langsung.. Moral here SOLAT pencegah jenayah..haha

p/s: I mean it J

Ilmu tanpa amal ibarat pokok tak berbuah

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saya Budak baru belajar~

huhu sedih aa plak..tslh edit url blog.. Huhu dont laugh k..testing je igt bole edit skali cm xle je..
Mesti org geli down nme blog ak haha..

today is my day btol..br pah exm.. and hari ni btol2 mls nk buat ape2 pon..haha

Sunmi is leaving Wonder Girls? haha tbe2 masuk psl sunmi-jjang plak.. I bet it wont be d same witout sunmi..bla bla bla.. Bored la people.. Daaa~

Friday, February 5, 2010

The start of something new~

I just started a new blog. Suddenly rase mcm nk tulis blog. Thx to all that cute layout haha. A blog is like a diary isnt it? Lets take a step closer to Fatin Fatiha hehehe.

Well my new post would be, I just finished my midterm. Fuuh it was a hard one..huhu nk bt cane xstudy dr awal..haha my..my..fatin.. fatin.. well i guess thats all for a start. Haha nk buat layout ag nih..

Do be my followers, i'm new here haha ^_^