Monday, February 15, 2010

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

After a long day hanging out with my family at Hutan Sungai Lentang near to Janda Baik, we went for a movie! Well at first, i don't expect the movie would be this awesome! Cz we all kind of tired after all that mandi stuff. Actually its between The Wolfman and Percy and I picked Percy Jackon. Of Course! who wants to watch scary movie at night? (me la of cz!) hahaha.
The moments the movie starts it was like bang! haha cz evn the introduction gives us a shocked already with all the action. Its the same director as Harry Potter so its kind of 2nd harry potter i think. Logan Lerman really attracts me huhu. He is charming and yet what kind can i say.. his style is like zac efron. Starting to like this actor~ and overall the movie is 4 stars from me~ ekekek.. Others might not agree sbb their adventures was like easy and its a shorted action. But watever it is Dont forget to watch it! :) Berbaloi utk sebuah kepenatan haha ayat slh..

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