Wednesday, June 16, 2010

BLOK E 2.7

For a start. . bunyi cm seram x tajok?

the story i'm about to tell is not an ordinary story. .
its the act by abnormal people. . these kind of peoples should not be forgiven. .
so by parents . .

Room no 2.7 is actually my room. .

what is so special about it?

sbb xspecial lgsungla ak nk post dlm nih. .

i just end my short semester. final exm da abes. so i'm enjoying my holiday.

tp. . . ape kaitan ngn bilik ni? bilik ni adalah temporary tok ak time shotsem. dsebabkn kononnye xde subj dlu, so ak pn dlabel sbg xamek sotsem. MAKANYA! bkak sem aritu xde bilik lg.

mahalah ofis leh kte: " bilik xde kosong, kamu dtg ari slase bole? kite tgk spe yg LOC br bole bg kamu blik"

ak: "eh xle dpt blik lgsung ke kak. sye da ade subj"

mahalah ofis: "xbole, sbb kite kne bg priority kt dak asma' "

pergh. . . angin2. bygknla, ak dtg ahad. tbe2 die nk suh ak dtg blik SELASA?? agkla2 sye xde bilik ni.

seb bekla rumate ak tsyg aka cik siti tu da otw blk.
so lepakla blik die. ari selasa reg.
dptla blik tu.


mule2 mmg xnk reg pn. tp sbb pkir xmola kco rohmah klo ak squating.
pahtu da pkir da nk LOC. umah pn xjauh mne.

tp xpela, ade baiknye klo check in.

ak hnye mjejak ke dlm blik tu 1st day kemas blik je. mop sumer bersgguh. lap2 habuk.

tapi. . .
in d end, tdo blik rohmah gk. pdhl blik die tgkt 4 kot.
perlakuan ini berlgsung smpla hr terakhir sotsem.
hai.. xtaula ape mslh ak ni.

MEMBAZIR JE CHECK IN! kalau la ikot kata hati dlu2.

so my frens, think wise bfore u act. tlglaaaaa jgn ulang kesilapn ak, sperti mne ak ulang waktu sem 3 2008/2009 dlu. . . adeh...

mak bpk kaye cm tan sri xpela klo nk rent blik byk mne.
i'm sori mak. . sori abah.
huhu tgkla, akhir taun kt uia br fatin settle yuran shotsem ni.

sempat psg cadar je. huhu


  1. dgr cite bilik tu haunted..patut ar ko xmau duduk~lalala...

  2. haha xkesahla haunted pn. ak xduduk da pahni~~ hahaha

  3. hahaha. laen kali squatting je kat bilik wan ngn meor. dorang tak kesah. kan kan?

  4. haha agk2la ak nk squatting ctu. pergh lari bdak2 tu tgk ak dtg. hahaha

  5. haha..byk cantek ko mst ko nk refer kes muhsin nih..haha
