Wednesday, April 21, 2010

fatin nak menjadi lebih baek

smalm br cek result. rse cm ok lg. rse ak trime semua ketentuan Allah.

tp, npe tah. tbe2 ase down balik. i jz talked to one of my best fren 'khairina binti *drahsiakn haha*'. . . baru sedar ape kesilapan diri selama ni. ape yg ak tgglkn. ape yg terlalu ak kejarkn..
die kate: "da setaun ak observe ko, ak tgk ko kne kurgkn... "
the moment die ckp tu, jatuh sumer air mata yg ak cbe perthnkn lps tgk result smalm. npe ak nanges?

1st : sbb tharu. . . die da observe ak selama tu. cne ak sndri pn xle sedar mne silap ak.

2nd: sbb ak rse ak da tlalu hayut. da terlalu lalai berbanding dgn bnde yg patot ak pentingkn.

3rd: bg fiq ckp. . fatin klo nk grad, pointer kne bgs. dlu ak da mampu maintain starting bgs. tp skang da turun hampir ke thp plg teruk.

so dari saat dan detik ini... sye "FATIN FATIHA" nk BERUBAH! sesungguhnye ak rindu saat2 ak blaja awl2 sem dlu.
ayat2 yg dpetik dr nasihat khai. . .
"aku ckp je nyah..yg len terpulang kt ko sendiri to make a different in ur life. . kalu ko dok pk ni naseb ko nyah
naseb tu kn ubah kalu ko x buat turning point
jz pk dlm2 la nyah..its about time u do sumting
len org len caranye..some may suit some may not.."

renung2kn..slmt beramal!!"
terharu sgt. . . ase cm nk peluk2 je die time sbb ym. owh dont misinterpret 'nyah' tu ea. she's a girl. jz thats d way we call each other. haha

so, i am trying to do d best i can. myb shotsem last. tgkla.. kdg2 kne pkir diri sendiri dlu sblm pkirkn org laen. sounds selfish but its necessary. .

ak nk grad pointer bgs.
ak nk keje yg bgs2. leh tlg mak abah.
yg penting ak nk kawen! ha ha ha. sje nk bt korg gelak. jd marila kite bgn kembali.

time2 mcm ni ak trus terigt lagu faizal tahir.."genggaman tgnmu.. semangt ku oh! terus membara! janji ku pdmu harapanmu , igt ku laksanaaakn~ ooo~ ooo~"
huhu dats all from me. . .

mencari sinar harapan

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


terasa sangat tension sekarang

Sunday, April 18, 2010

i cant let go

Letting go of the past can be the hardest things you'll ever do. .
if only its as easy as deleting the history of Mozilla Firefox. . . or even Google Chrome

how bad is the past that makes you hate it the most.
you wish to undone your mistakes.
you wish everything would be back to normal.
you wish you were making the right decision.

what ever it is. . what past remain the past. . so buat ape igt ag? (^^J)

What is letting go of your past?

Letting go of your past means accepting that there's nothing you can do to change the past.
You did the best you could. dah ckup. xpaya pkir pape da. klo rse anda mengalami kegagalan, pkirlah bhwa anda sbenarnye sudah cube sehabis baek. atau mgkin u can motivate urself to think "i can do better than dis!. i AM GOING to be better!. i will be better!" So xya pkir da, move on!

Letting go of your past means forgiving yourself for your mistakes.
jgn sesekali pkir "ak xpatot bt mcm ni" "kalau la ak xbuat mcm tu"..urggh its killing to think about that all the time. Try to forgive yourself. ^_^

Letting go of your past means being aware of your thoughts.
Hmm "beware of your thoughts!" mdm penah ckp cmtu sbb from thoughts can lead to anytg. buruk sgkela..masalah hatila..When you find yourself thinking over the past or the person you lost, gently draw your thoughts back to the present. Let go of everything.. jgn sesekali pikir. ok!

Letting go of your past means trusting the nature of time.
You will heal and move on. Your wound will slowly close up and soon only a faint scar will remain - if you let go of your past.

Letting go of your past means making new connections with people. *hehe*
You don't necessarily have to make a whole new set of friends. Try to know others cz who knows u'll find the one for you. hahaha. papepn. socialize urself.., bkn bmksud g club or bt bnde xsenonoh. haha. means biarkn diri anda utk sesekali merasai nikmat kehidupan. ade membe, ade mse tok gelak. n mkn semestinye.. hehe. jgn sesekali menutup pintu hati utk menerima peluang kedua.
" If you talk about facing your failures, you'll be better able to actually face your failures."

this is my best part.. :)

Letting go of your past means exploring a new world.
Take a new course at the community college or start a new hobby. To let go of the past, start looking in new directions!

*hehe jz wanna share*
hope this would help me and you guys out there.. cheer up! give urself a second chance!

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

abah dgn cendawannye

hari sabtu.. me n of cz my sisters meluangkn mse tok bgn lmbt. haha. arini mmg da set nk kemas blik. sjak da lme dok uia..

So, bgn je dari tdo... *okla slps bmls2 malasan d katil* haha.
kitorg pn mule aa gerak bt keje.

the best part is..nk g amek bulu ayam kt bwh..
tbe2 je abah pggl "aten..ade cendawan.."

so fatin cm.. aa? sejak bler abah tnam cendawan plak kt blakg umah. tp xpe, demi abah..layan gkla. "npe2?" abah pn ulang.. "ade cendawan. tutup mate"
mane2? tnye ag. "tutup mate, jgn bukak" tu tgk tu..
so the moment fatin bkak mate. xjumpe ag. toleh je blah kanan. mmg nmpak banyak cendawan. hahaha abah mmg bjaye mnceriakn pagi kitorg. upe2nye kopiah yg abah basuh tu. abah sidai seketol2 atas tiang kecik. which is really looked like seangkatan cendawan. haha. abah mmg bes aa. adek ngn ya pn leh bntai gelak. hahahaha

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bertahan fatin!

program dm da byk tgguhla..
segannye mak asek tnye bler skola die nk wt dm2.. ni dm3 plak nk menyusul. pahtu npe korg xcontact je mak. asek2 trough me. bknla nk mengeluh. tp mcm fatin pm sumer dm lak. myb korg rse senang kot contact, dri sendri pon serabut nk pkir tarikh bler nk ganti. bler leh bt.
call mak trus jela..
mak fatin xmkn orgla...

sje nk luahkn... sespe yg bace..tlg bce dlm hati ea. haha. no offense pls..

harap sumer bnde bjln lancar.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

derr emo aa..

kenapa manusia perlukn perhatian?
kenapa sesetengah manusia itu sifatnye sensitif..?
kenapa ea..sesetengah perkara itu sbenarnye kite yg besarkn..
kenapa pulak dgn ak nih. huh.

i think i'm playing with emotions too much. i do get angry easily. i cant control my feelings when its happy or either way. am i sulking right now? no. no way. arghh..why am i being sensitive like this. derr u should get rid of it.

i think...err nver mind..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I was wrong


first song from 2am not in their usual ballad way. they are from JYP entertainment same as WG. :) huhu. nice to hear. nice to watch. it has such a meaningful story from d MV. try to listen and make sure u 'attached' to the song. haha

Monday, April 12, 2010

i'm lovin it!


the good question is..DO YOU have a dragon?
have you ever THINK to keep a dragon as your pet? haha.
i would! but preferably 'night fury' cute and loveable i think.
its funny how he try to laugh. uu..uuu.uuuuu. haha so toothless :)

they got others such as, terrible terror (the smallest one), zippleback (two heads), groncle (the fat one), monstrous nightmare (they like to burn themselves)...

i'm just sharing this song that 'captured my heart' after the 3rd watch(terpkse k). well 1st time watching this movie already captured maa.. hehe enjoyssSS

Saturday, April 10, 2010

kenapa sesuatu bende susah nk settle?


i do not like a problem involving friends. hate it.

sbb pertama: i hate being lonely
sbb kedua: frens are so much fun when we have them.
sbb ketiga: frens connecting people.
sbb keempat: frens share, frens care, frens are there when need someone to keep secret from our family..*hehe*
and so many reasons that u urself know how to answer.

tapi kenapa korg xbole baek mcm kwn dlu.. xde lgsung ruang tok korg berbaek? pls la.. emo xpsl kn? pdhal its not my problem. this is what i mean when i said, 'i'm easily affected by peoples emotion'. die sedih, ak double sedih kot. and i'm allergic to the word 'quit'..urgh pls. the head is killing me. *too much thingking* *too much thinking*

Friday, April 9, 2010

i am not my self a n y m o r e ~~

i am currently not myself...
i do things i used to hate.
i spent my time more on messaging.
i can't wait for even 2 seconds.
i become more sensitive.
i appreciate what i have.
most importantly, i smile a lot when i am alone.

hey, i am giving myself a second chance :)

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