Saturday, April 10, 2010

kenapa sesuatu bende susah nk settle?


i do not like a problem involving friends. hate it.

sbb pertama: i hate being lonely
sbb kedua: frens are so much fun when we have them.
sbb ketiga: frens connecting people.
sbb keempat: frens share, frens care, frens are there when need someone to keep secret from our family..*hehe*
and so many reasons that u urself know how to answer.

tapi kenapa korg xbole baek mcm kwn dlu.. xde lgsung ruang tok korg berbaek? pls la.. emo xpsl kn? pdhal its not my problem. this is what i mean when i said, 'i'm easily affected by peoples emotion'. die sedih, ak double sedih kot. and i'm allergic to the word 'quit'..urgh pls. the head is killing me. *too much thingking* *too much thinking*

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