Letting go of the past can be the hardest things you'll ever do. .
if only its as easy as deleting the history of Mozilla Firefox. . . or even Google Chrome
how bad is the past that makes you hate it the most.
you wish to undone your mistakes.
you wish everything would be back to normal.
you wish you were making the right decision.
what ever it is. . what past remain the past. . so buat ape igt ag? (^^J)
What is letting go of your past?
Letting go of your past means accepting that there's nothing you can do to change the past.
You did the best you could. dah ckup. xpaya pkir pape da. klo rse anda mengalami kegagalan, pkirlah bhwa anda sbenarnye sudah cube sehabis baek. atau mgkin u can motivate urself to think "i can do better than dis!. i AM GOING to be better!. i will be better!" So xya pkir da, move on!
Letting go of your past means forgiving yourself for your mistakes.
jgn sesekali pkir "ak xpatot bt mcm ni" "kalau la ak xbuat mcm tu"..urggh its killing to think about that all the time. Try to forgive yourself. ^_^
Letting go of your past means being aware of your thoughts.
Hmm "beware of your thoughts!" mdm penah ckp cmtu sbb from thoughts can lead to anytg. buruk sgkela..masalah hatila..When you find yourself thinking over the past or the person you lost, gently draw your thoughts back to the present. Let go of everything.. jgn sesekali pikir. ok!
Letting go of your past means trusting the nature of time.
You will heal and move on. Your wound will slowly close up and soon only a faint scar will remain - if you let go of your past.
Letting go of your past means making new connections with people. *hehe*
You don't necessarily have to make a whole new set of friends. Try to know others cz who knows u'll find the one for you. hahaha. papepn. socialize urself.., bkn bmksud g club or bt bnde xsenonoh. haha. means biarkn diri anda utk sesekali merasai nikmat kehidupan. ade membe, ade mse tok gelak. n mkn semestinye.. hehe. jgn sesekali menutup pintu hati utk menerima peluang kedua.
" If you talk about facing your failures, you'll be better able to actually face your failures."
this is my best part.. :)
Letting go of your past means exploring a new world.
Take a new course at the community college or start a new hobby. To let go of the past, start looking in new directions!
*hehe jz wanna share*
hope this would help me and you guys out there.. cheer up! give urself a second chance!

salam perkenalan...just follow ur blog..jemput juga ke teratak amy ye...
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