Tuesday, November 30, 2010

mari belajar memasak

i found that cooking is really fun lately. hehe

pelaburan mase dpn kot. haha xdela.

>aku ni xcantik mcm org2 yg cun kt luar sne.
>pandai tu xdela smp dpt dean list. tp bolela nk furthet study. hehe
> pemls xya ckpla. kdg2 mls sgguh. kdg2 tlebih rajen. haha
> baek? lg la. xpenah dgr ade org puji ak baik hati. haha.
> dan ak bukan seseorg lyk, that people will do anytg to get me. haha market plak.

so i just figured, cooking can make me a little bit special dr org yg xpandai msk. hahaha.
lgpun cuti ni bkn wt ape. cuti ni la pulak ak rajen trun tlg mak kt dapur. *sbb mls nk dgr mak bleter smanye* haha.

so i did a little bit cooking. aritu sushi. sjak2 tu rajen plak abg2 ak ni suh kitorg wt sushi. haha.
asam pedas bjye jgk. hehe tp tu lebih kpd air tgn mak. haha.

of coz la mmg xle nk lwn bondaku tercinta tu pnye mskn. tp bleyla. sedap pe. haha.
eh2 ni bkn nk promote dri. sbb bkn rmi pn follower smp yg bce blog ak ni leh trus tpikat kt fatin fatiha. hahaha. xnk pn.

ak slalu t'tnye2. mcm mne nk msk sedap eh. yela. ak ni tau bhn2 die tp bler msk asal kdg2 xsedap. haha.
so menurut membe ak.
"masak tu biarla dgn niat nk bg org mkn" hehe.
susahla, asl msk je ak berangn. hahaha. da kte niat nk bg mkn kt org. haha. gurauan jek.. jgn muntah lak.
msk kne hepi, jgn masam2. nt mknn pn msam.

hahaha da mcm chef plak. okie dokie. thats all. selamat menjamu selera~

p/s: manusia mmg tiada yg sempurna. saye tau. sje je. hehe

Sunday, November 28, 2010

its you

that person..

your words can sometimes hurt me,
but without your words i can't even laugh.

avoiding you is hard enough,
but not having you here make myself more miserable.

i'm miserable when you are here.
and i'm miserable when you are not here.

i'm miserable when you smile at me.
and i'm more miserable when you smile at others.

Despite of everything you did. I would rather having you here...
No matter how hard it is..

Friday, November 19, 2010


i'm not ok with it. but who am i to feel that way.

all i can do is just patiently wait. . . yeah when its about us all i can do is patience. even that's my most weakness. .

Sunday, November 14, 2010

sudah jatuh di timpa tangga

Assalamualaikum. hehe.

well, may i ask. ape bnde pling bharge dlm hidup korg? i mean material k. Bkn org.. huhu
for me, i guess my handphone.

i just lost my phone. abes je paper 10 ariblan aritu, esoknye of cz aa xblik umah ag. leklu~ haha
esoknye mmg rilek pn. bgn pagi2 kemas blik. so decide nk basuh bju. handwash ye. dlm kul 9.30 tu rsenye start bsuh. sblm tu ak charge fon kt luar compartment. mmgla xkunci bilik. g toilet je pn. slame ni mmg xkunci pn.

nk djadikn cerita balik2 dari toilet dlm setgh jm tu. TENGOK2.... FON TAKDE !!!. tggl charger. pegila blik rohmah cri, kot2 ade org nk wt prank ke. huhu. skali call2 pempuan mne tah jwb.."nombor yg anda dail tidak dpt dhubngi"... argh..

just then i realize,,,, i lost my phone already..... isk2... mule2 tbah ag. bler da lme2 ni rse tacing aa kn. fon br setaun pki..xpenahnye nk ending best2. igt ak kaye sgt ke ko nk curik fon tu! heh

But then, second thing. since bnde da jd cmni. kitorg pn mule ketatkn security la kn. g toilet pn kunci. dok dlm blik pn kunci. g water cooler pn kunci. hahaha yg tu xla...

suddenly mlm tu. ak g mkn, tggl aimi sorg. die g toilet nk amek wudhu...balik2 tu.
PINTU XLE BUKAK PULAK! knela pggl technician pecahkn pintu blik kesygn ak tu. hailaaaaa... apela naseb. seb bek ak da abes exm. xla rse presure.
bler xkunci kne curik. bler kunci jd cmni plak. so blgsung mlm di mne kitorg overnight dlm keadaan sgt 'secure'... huhu. bygknla pintu da kne kopak. tombol xde. stakt ngn kotakla nk hadang pintu tu. kucing pn bole tolak cmtu. huhu

last day kt blik. arini nk balik da. tp g anugerah cmerlang sk maluri dlu. sblm pegi tu. xtau la knpe glabah sgt. pegi lock mangga loker yg padahalnye, kunci die da ilang. ape ke bengongla ak ni. da tau mangga tu xde kunci pegi tekan wtpe. xpsl2 kne pecahkn mangga loker plak. sbb dlm tu ade kunci bilik yg nk kne pulgkn kt mahallah office. adoiyai fatin.....

daebakk~~ !!!!

Huhu. bukan nk mengeluh, apetah lagi mempertikaikn takdir. bnde da jd kn. ape leh wt pn...
sje luahkn perasaan. korg jgnla jd cm ak. jge brg leklok. pmpuan pn da pndi mencuri skg.
semua itu milik Allah.. ade hikmah dsebaliknye...

Peace fatin! :P so korg. pls contact me tru fb or ym klo de pape. i lost ALL your number..

Saturday, October 2, 2010

update update

Assalamualaikum.... rse da berhabok da blog ni. huhu
its october already...

wat to say? hrmm..

ape pkara yg mudah mbuatkn anda moody? ak? mgkin byk kot.. tp antrnye biler rncg sesuatu tp ade je bnde mghlg.. hehe. kcewa xya ckp. tp nk wt cne..
klo sumer bnde senang, xadventure lak kn. hehe

hehe i hve a new hobby.
CROSS STITCH!! br blaja recently. hehe.
bler buat, ase cm i can forget everytg.. even forget u're exist. haha.
ala..cm dak laki maen game aa. haha :P

Thursday, September 2, 2010

setahun sudah berlalu

Its going to be raya soon.. !!

Nk kte excited nk rye.. cm budak2 plak. nk kte xexcited tipula kn.. hehe kesimpulannye mmg excited nk rye. thn ni balik kedah insyaAllah. Bole la jalan2 g rumah mak cik siti. haha.

thn ni tema warne pink. haha. pink? abg2 ak da protes abes sbb kaler pink. tp nk wt cne, kami kaum hawa da sebulat suara. haha tgk jela nt jd ape. hehehe.

hmm..npe da setahun?
hehe sbb da setahun knal makhluk2 kt uia, atau lebih rapat lg bdak2 sendi. hehe. igt ag thn lps; masing2 konvoi rye g umah izwan, meor n ak.. hehe. bes gler ase time tu. br2 nk bonding kn. hehe. arap2 thn ni leh konvo ag. g jauh2 sket. asek subang je. hahaha. target nk rye umah adam. xkire! dr 1st kt gombak xtcapai nk g umah die. huhu. ape punye kwn da..


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ramadhan datang lagi

Assalamualaikum, ape khabar antunna? hehe. ana bikhoir, alhamdulillah.
hihi terasa poyo sbntar.

sudah msuk mlm kelima ramadhan. dlm erti kata laen dah 4hari kite puasa.

weeknd ni dpt gk merasa berbuka kt rumah. sdap mak msk.. its been a while. so hari ni cume nk share sesuatu yg ak sedari.

td g terawikh kt 'Masjid Jamek Menjalara'. ktne ag klo bkn dkt ngn umah tu. huhu
smangt mmg smangt. sbb slalu solat kt musola asiah je. rse rindu nk dgr suara imam masjid. hehe.

tp sygnye, msuk2 td, saf perempuan kulihat xteratur. saf pertama ok lg. sumer sme. sebaris molek. tp msuk saf kedua ade yg kdpn sket, ade kblakg pulak. senget benget jdnye.
xnmpak pn ukhuwah kite sbagai org islam.

points 2 pulak, ade yg bwk ank2. tu mmg bgus. nk train deorg solat. tp mne leh smekn saff bdak2 ngn dewasa. klo da ank xbaligh lg, x ke terputus saf tu. huhu.
syg kn.. tu xkire lg bdak2 kecik yg dok maen lari2 kt pkargn msjid. huhu. klo ank ak da lme da tarik telinge. haha.
agknye xde org nk jge ank deorg kot kn. huhu xbek nye ak ni. ape slh bdak tu..

sgt merindui solat kt smakl. xde bdak2 pn. cume xpndai isi mse je. gosip sne sni. Astaghfirullah..

hanye skadar renungn. hrp setiap kekurgn itu dpt dperbaiki. sbb ak sndri pn masih insan yg lemah.. Wassalam...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


its hard when i'm the one trying harder..

setiap org ade limit die kn. so ak pn nk wt gk.
da smp mse kot. da ckup memberi kot.
i'm hoping this is the best decision.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

CAPS anyone?

This is my blog rite.
so i hve the right to say what i want. even involve personal things..
owh jgn slh fhm.. i'm not being emo. tp mate teramat mengntok nk teruskn study..


ape beza dua tuh? find for urself. if not i'm telling answers to what i'm about to say..

i like to play with cap.. RECENTLY..
of course it happens to be something special beyond it.. cewah2..
i find it as a sweet act by someone to whom they want to..
sweet kind of play... thx~

haha xphm kn.. thats why ak suh find d diff btween dua tu..

Saturday, July 17, 2010

old times

Tbe2 je terigt zmn kanak2 dlu.
when was a kid... huhu

jd ape lg. ak pn geledah la gmba lme2.

huhu. yg sedihnye. i cant find my own pictures when i was a little.
mak kte, time fatin xde gmba. abah byk amek video. huhu.
bt still sedihla. org len sumer ade gmba kecik2. ak ni xde lgsung.

nk bangge time kecik kecik2 dlu comel pn xle... haha :DD

tbe2 kn terjmpe skeping dua gmba. tu pn time sdah bpe thn.
pic of me as 'baby girl' xde pn.. huaaa...

So, shall we see ap yg ade.. :P

ni bg dib ngn kak nana

my youngest amalia.. 'adek' *haha ke tbalik ayt ak*

afiq.. haha

mak ckp, muke fatin sebijik ngn adek waktu kecik.. hehe.
so sme x?

adek vs fatin

sje merapu gmba lme.. huu.
tbe2 ase nk pergi blk zmn tu.. huhu

time machine! time machine!! :P

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Belanjawan 2010

semester 1, 2010/2011. .. ... ....

hmm, ape besnye? xtaula. br nk lalui. . ..
hr ni last day bole update blog.

semester ini, ak sgt berazam byk (mcm sem2 lps haha) to focus on study.
let go of the things yg melekakn.
more focus on STUDY! STUDY!! STUDY!!!

huhu harapnye mjd.

my plan:

1) jgn susahkn MAK ABAH
2) BERJIMAT CERMAT. (suke hati la nk kte ak stingy)
3) kurgkan menonton wyg
4) always think before you buy..hehe memndgkn nt duit masuk
5) puasa byk2 (cara bjimat selain...ehem2 haha)
6) jgn mkn byk sgt
7) be PRO in badminton . . since i'm taking skill on badminton
8) always prefer a cheap date (e.g layang2 hahaha)

thats all.

i wish all of us success yeah!! :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Its still early morning. .

i feel soooo hhhaaaaaaapppyyyyyyyy~ today!
i'm happy more than words can describe it! :DD
why? hehe. its a secret i guess.
last night really brightens my mood.
I woke up today with a smile in my heart. ekekek (^_^)!!
Hoping everything will be like it used to be. Always!

Have a nice day!!! :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

random facts

1) When i'm not responding to what we talked, doesn't mean i don't care. I am actually waiting for you to explain what you said.

2) I might not bothered but i wish you could understand how i felt.

3) I'm asking too much because i really care. Not because i'm controlling or anything.

4) When i'm saying ok, it means i bothered not to talk about it.

5) When i said something suddenly, i wish you would feel the same.

6) When i said it repeatedly, i really meant it...

Friday, June 25, 2010

currently not available

take care everyone. i wont be able to update any news :D

Thursday, June 24, 2010

siapalah saya

saya tidak memahami kalian.

yang seorg begini. . . yang lagi satu aku tau bagaimana.
ape yg kalian lakukan.
act wise, don't play with others heart.
if you know your position, act like one.

PEACE (^_^)V huhu no offense i'm just being caring

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

music is the language of the heart

I can't believe i would say this. I really like this song. SO MUCH!

i was looking for pictures, suddenly it linked to a blog that plays this song.
this music soothe the feelings. . .

this might sound crazy, but hearing to this song makes me wanna learn how to play piano. :P

Title: kiss the rain by Yiruma.
This song is the theme music for Korean Drama "A Moment To Remember".

Love may last for just a moment but memory can make that moment last forever. . .

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


a b s e n c e

makes the heart grow fonder

Monday, June 21, 2010


Ya Allah. . .

penatnye tuhan shje yg tau.

ak mcm g vacation kt luar kl.
pdhl g around sunway je.

ni mmg keje gler yg ak buat 1st and last time i guess.

sunway lagoon>> sleepover>>dinner>>midnite movie

lunch >> karaoke = EXHAUSTED

all in two days n 1 night.

Npe last time?
sbb deorg ckp pahni bt kt luar m'sia. haha gler btol bdak2 neh.

dats all. nk tdo yg xdggu nyamuk

Saturday, June 19, 2010

jatuh dari langit

i am so grateful . . .

why? . . . this is how it goes

bcoz i am officially broke rite now. duit da abes joli.
it doesnt matter pn klo keje dok umah je.

TETAPI, sahabat2 karibku ajk g kuar la plak. nk2 g sunway lagoon. tiket masuk je rm65 tu dgn mykad xslh. mkn lg. movie ag. arghh down2.
da abes pkir da mntak kt spe. mak? abah? tiap2 mggu mntak deorg.

so dlm pemikiran bg dib jela hrpnku.. sbb die da keje. huhu

i was thinking about a part time job yg bole bg rm200 dlm mse 2 hari.

tp konpem2la impossible.

so smalm ptg, mak ajk g bce yassin kt umah tmpt mak aja ngaji. family tu nk bt tahlil sket. so kire abah kne lead la. *untung bpk ustad ni.. hehe*

pegi mule2 niat xikhlas sgt, sbb pkir bnde laen. tp b4 g tu btolkn balik. niatnye nk mengimarahkn majlis. sbb xrmi pn. xsmp 10 org. org kaye kn. mne ade mse nk bt cmni. bler ade, xrmi plak tu. huhu.

so, nk balik tu kami yg pergi ni. . . we were given rm100 each.

ulangn rm100

happy xya katela. ase cm xpcaye.

br je dok pkir cne nk enjoy dgn duit xde. huhu. da la xkeje.
so, itulah yg dkategori kn sbg rezeki jatuh dr langit.

YA ALLAH, bersyukur sgt2. sekurgnye, ade duit poket. xya susahkn mak abah.
top up sket jela lg hehehe.

moralnye, ikhlaskn hati dlm setiap perkara.
dan Allah itu benar2 ARRAHMAN dan ARRAHIM. :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

BLOK E 2.7

For a start. . bunyi cm seram x tajok?

the story i'm about to tell is not an ordinary story. .
its the act by abnormal people. . these kind of peoples should not be forgiven. .
so by parents . .

Room no 2.7 is actually my room. .

what is so special about it?

sbb xspecial lgsungla ak nk post dlm nih. .

i just end my short semester. final exm da abes. so i'm enjoying my holiday.

tp. . . ape kaitan ngn bilik ni? bilik ni adalah temporary tok ak time shotsem. dsebabkn kononnye xde subj dlu, so ak pn dlabel sbg xamek sotsem. MAKANYA! bkak sem aritu xde bilik lg.

mahalah ofis leh kte: " bilik xde kosong, kamu dtg ari slase bole? kite tgk spe yg LOC br bole bg kamu blik"

ak: "eh xle dpt blik lgsung ke kak. sye da ade subj"

mahalah ofis: "xbole, sbb kite kne bg priority kt dak asma' "

pergh. . . angin2. bygknla, ak dtg ahad. tbe2 die nk suh ak dtg blik SELASA?? agkla2 sye xde bilik ni.

seb bekla rumate ak tsyg aka cik siti tu da otw blk.
so lepakla blik die. ari selasa reg.
dptla blik tu.


mule2 mmg xnk reg pn. tp sbb pkir xmola kco rohmah klo ak squating.
pahtu da pkir da nk LOC. umah pn xjauh mne.

tp xpela, ade baiknye klo check in.

ak hnye mjejak ke dlm blik tu 1st day kemas blik je. mop sumer bersgguh. lap2 habuk.

tapi. . .
in d end, tdo blik rohmah gk. pdhl blik die tgkt 4 kot.
perlakuan ini berlgsung smpla hr terakhir sotsem.
hai.. xtaula ape mslh ak ni.

MEMBAZIR JE CHECK IN! kalau la ikot kata hati dlu2.

so my frens, think wise bfore u act. tlglaaaaa jgn ulang kesilapn ak, sperti mne ak ulang waktu sem 3 2008/2009 dlu. . . adeh...

mak bpk kaye cm tan sri xpela klo nk rent blik byk mne.
i'm sori mak. . sori abah.
huhu tgkla, akhir taun kt uia br fatin settle yuran shotsem ni.

sempat psg cadar je. huhu

sahabat di sekolah

Before i'm updating any of my news..

sje nk mcapub aktiviti sihat ku ngn membe skola dlu. . . ^_~

i hate to reunite ngn dak skola smanye. . cz sblm ni deorg slalu ajk jmpe. hangout. yela da bpe taun kuar skola. .

tp br 1, 2 thn da ajk reunion. pe kejadahnye. . xrse rindu lgsung. . haha kejam dsitu.

well, my second reason to this rejecting is. . people likes to ask how did it go with ur current life.. in other words. . "ko ngn spe skg?" "pe cter ngn bdak tu" "da bpe lme da" and so on. . .

see? tau2 jela dak2 pmpuan gossip. lgpn dak skola pn kapel sesame dak skola. tu yg ak mls tu. .

well, since i dont really hve a good memory with my past..
thats y i kept rejecting invitation klo nk kuar. . plus. . u r not really my bestfriends to know all such things..

but things are different now. . sbb ape? rahsia. . . haha.
plus, bpe lme ak dok dlm kepompong mls nk jmpe dak smakl kn. . lgpn kt sne gk ak mencipta memori segala zmn2 nakal. huhu.


one day, besfren ak jila. . . ajk kuar. agpn da lme gler xjmpe bdak tu. pdhl dok sgambut je pn. org nk jd pakar mata la plak tu. bz la.

so end up, ak pn join g jmpe dak skola yg da lme tak jmpe. (bpe org je pn) hehe.

this is wat we do!!!! :)


After all. . . i had so much fun. thx for inviting! :)

Monday, June 14, 2010


waaah trase lme bebeno xupdate catatan hidup yg agk simple tp happening... haha.

btw, tgh final skang ni.. br je abis paper eim..

asbetos btol. sokln mmg bes sbb lbeh kurg final sem2 lepas.. tp jwbnye idakle btol semua.. huhu.
xkesah aa. jnji sudah lps 1 paper. skg ni tawakal je.
holiday is coming.. cuti ni ak nk sedut cter byk2.. huhu.

eh, lupe ade lg 1 paper. esok pagi.

jam 9.


npenye? owh cuakla esok nk exm. paper esok plg mdebarkn.. huhu. sbb rep pnye.
mdterm lebeh kurg mcm sem lps je dpt. tp arap2 carry mark bantu den..

okla. gtg. nk solat. :)

till i online again...hahaha

Friday, May 28, 2010

sekolahku KAULAH pelita..penyuluh kegelapan dunia

hari ini saya berumur 21 thn..hehe
soon to be 22 oktober nt..

knpe ckp psl umur neh? hehe. pejam celik pejam celik.. da smakin dewasa diri ini..

sudah lme menigglkn dunia matrik.. sudah lme lg tgglkn sekolah.. arini tbe2 ase rindu kt skola.. td tertgk deorg tag nasyid suara smakl kt fb.. huhu

tbe2 all the moments kt skola trus invade masuk otak.. haha. xslh kn igt skola sindri? SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN AGAMA KUALA LUMPUR..
bgge sgt~

F1 .: sesi suai kenal ag.. br nk mix up ngn persekitaraan.. even umah ngn skola xsmp sebatu.haha.
kwn2 pn xekhlas ag..huhu..
homesick~ xya ckp:.

F2 .: br nk buat bonding ngn membe kamcing ngn membe xkamcing..
masuk bola baling.. masuk sports day.. minum mlm bwh ampain smbil cter antu..
kantoi ngn salam nyanyi lagu rock..
kne tarbiyah ngn senior psl assabiyah.. i wont forget mggu orientasi.. but its the moment when evrytg started.. :.

F3 .: i cant say more.. bt i have u guys.. 8 of us..
hari terbuka asrama..
hari korg sumer fly.. haha
n hari terbaek.. time kuar result PMR! :.

F4 .: owh..sumer smakin menjauh.. da rmi pindah skola.. u guys left us..
tggl ak.. ani.. dbah.. n the missing che tem smp skang..

dr situ kite mule berkwn ngn org len.. :.

F5 .: sumer bdak puteri da pndai bonding.. kite xpuak2 da..
kite study grop bwh perbayu.. (tp skang da kne roboh) n then we call ourselves 'pondok group'.. ekekekek..
n SPM is worst.. haha spe suh maen cintan. :.

owh.. how much i miss my smakl.. huhu.. skola atas umah.. tp cm xde kesan.. sbb anda semua tidak bersama sye.. hehe.
well itu kisah dlu.. i wont forget it.. tp xbmakne kne tgglkn kehidupn skrg kn?
all i cay say.. i love my old times..

try dgr suara smakl.. cz inila lagu kt skola dlu yg plg sye suke..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

fatin nak menjadi lebih baek

smalm br cek result. rse cm ok lg. rse ak trime semua ketentuan Allah.

tp, npe tah. tbe2 ase down balik. i jz talked to one of my best fren 'khairina binti *drahsiakn haha*'. . . baru sedar ape kesilapan diri selama ni. ape yg ak tgglkn. ape yg terlalu ak kejarkn..
die kate: "da setaun ak observe ko, ak tgk ko kne kurgkn... "
the moment die ckp tu, jatuh sumer air mata yg ak cbe perthnkn lps tgk result smalm. npe ak nanges?

1st : sbb tharu. . . die da observe ak selama tu. cne ak sndri pn xle sedar mne silap ak.

2nd: sbb ak rse ak da tlalu hayut. da terlalu lalai berbanding dgn bnde yg patot ak pentingkn.

3rd: bg fiq ckp. . fatin klo nk grad, pointer kne bgs. dlu ak da mampu maintain starting bgs. tp skang da turun hampir ke thp plg teruk.

so dari saat dan detik ini... sye "FATIN FATIHA" nk BERUBAH! sesungguhnye ak rindu saat2 ak blaja awl2 sem dlu.
ayat2 yg dpetik dr nasihat khai. . .
"aku ckp je nyah..yg len terpulang kt ko sendiri to make a different in ur life. . kalu ko dok pk ni naseb ko nyah
naseb tu kn ubah kalu ko x buat turning point
jz pk dlm2 la nyah..its about time u do sumting
len org len caranye..some may suit some may not.."

renung2kn..slmt beramal!!"
terharu sgt. . . ase cm nk peluk2 je die time tu..tp sbb ym. owh dont misinterpret 'nyah' tu ea. she's a girl. jz thats d way we call each other. haha

so, i am trying to do d best i can. myb shotsem last. tgkla.. kdg2 kne pkir diri sendiri dlu sblm pkirkn org laen. sounds selfish but its necessary. .

ak nk grad pointer bgs.
ak nk keje yg bgs2. leh tlg mak abah.
yg penting ak nk kawen! ha ha ha. sje nk bt korg gelak. jd marila kite bgn kembali.

time2 mcm ni ak trus terigt lagu faizal tahir.."genggaman tgnmu.. semangt ku oh! terus membara! janji ku pdmu harapanmu , igt ku laksanaaakn~ ooo~ ooo~"
huhu dats all from me. . .

mencari sinar harapan

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


terasa sangat tension sekarang

Sunday, April 18, 2010

i cant let go

Letting go of the past can be the hardest things you'll ever do. .
if only its as easy as deleting the history of Mozilla Firefox. . . or even Google Chrome

how bad is the past that makes you hate it the most.
you wish to undone your mistakes.
you wish everything would be back to normal.
you wish you were making the right decision.

what ever it is. . what past remain the past. . so buat ape igt ag? (^^J)

What is letting go of your past?

Letting go of your past means accepting that there's nothing you can do to change the past.
You did the best you could. dah ckup. xpaya pkir pape da. klo rse anda mengalami kegagalan, pkirlah bhwa anda sbenarnye sudah cube sehabis baek. atau mgkin u can motivate urself to think "i can do better than dis!. i AM GOING to be better!. i will be better!" So xya pkir da, move on!

Letting go of your past means forgiving yourself for your mistakes.
jgn sesekali pkir "ak xpatot bt mcm ni" "kalau la ak xbuat mcm tu"..urggh its killing to think about that all the time. Try to forgive yourself. ^_^

Letting go of your past means being aware of your thoughts.
Hmm "beware of your thoughts!" mdm penah ckp cmtu sbb from thoughts can lead to anytg. buruk sgkela..masalah hatila..When you find yourself thinking over the past or the person you lost, gently draw your thoughts back to the present. Let go of everything.. jgn sesekali pikir. ok!

Letting go of your past means trusting the nature of time.
You will heal and move on. Your wound will slowly close up and soon only a faint scar will remain - if you let go of your past.

Letting go of your past means making new connections with people. *hehe*
You don't necessarily have to make a whole new set of friends. Try to know others cz who knows u'll find the one for you. hahaha. papepn. socialize urself.., bkn bmksud g club or bt bnde xsenonoh. haha. means biarkn diri anda utk sesekali merasai nikmat kehidupan. ade membe, ade mse tok gelak. n mkn semestinye.. hehe. jgn sesekali menutup pintu hati utk menerima peluang kedua.
" If you talk about facing your failures, you'll be better able to actually face your failures."

this is my best part.. :)

Letting go of your past means exploring a new world.
Take a new course at the community college or start a new hobby. To let go of the past, start looking in new directions!

*hehe jz wanna share*
hope this would help me and you guys out there.. cheer up! give urself a second chance!

letting go cartoons, letting go cartoon, letting go picture, letting go pictures, letting go image, letting go images, letting go illustration, letting go illustrations

Saturday, April 17, 2010

abah dgn cendawannye

hari sabtu.. me n of cz my sisters meluangkn mse tok bgn lmbt. haha. arini mmg da set nk kemas blik. sjak da lme dok uia..

So, bgn je dari tdo... *okla slps bmls2 malasan d katil* haha.
kitorg pn mule aa gerak bt keje.

the best part is..nk g amek bulu ayam kt bwh..
tbe2 je abah pggl "aten..ade cendawan.."

so fatin cm.. aa? sejak bler abah tnam cendawan plak kt blakg umah. tp xpe, demi abah..layan gkla. "npe2?" abah pn ulang.. "ade cendawan. tutup mate"
mane2? tnye ag. "tutup mate, jgn bukak" tu tgk tu..
so the moment fatin bkak mate. xjumpe ag. toleh je blah kanan. mmg nmpak banyak cendawan. hahaha abah mmg bjaye mnceriakn pagi kitorg. upe2nye kopiah yg abah basuh tu. abah sidai seketol2 atas tiang kecik. which is really looked like seangkatan cendawan. haha. abah mmg bes aa. adek ngn ya pn leh bntai gelak. hahahaha

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bertahan fatin!

program dm da byk tgguhla..
segannye mak asek tnye bler skola die nk wt dm2.. ni dm3 plak nk menyusul. pahtu npe korg xcontact je mak. asek2 trough me. bknla nk mengeluh. tp mcm fatin pm sumer dm lak. myb korg rse senang kot contact fatin..tp, dri sendri pon serabut nk pkir tarikh bler nk ganti. bler leh bt.
call mak trus jela..
mak fatin xmkn orgla...

sje nk luahkn... sespe yg bace..tlg bce dlm hati ea. haha. no offense pls..

harap sumer bnde bjln lancar.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

derr emo aa..

kenapa manusia perlukn perhatian?
kenapa sesetengah manusia itu sifatnye sensitif..?
kenapa ea..sesetengah perkara itu sbenarnye kecik..tp kite yg besarkn..
kenapa pulak dgn ak nih. huh.

i think i'm playing with emotions too much. i do get angry easily. i cant control my feelings when its happy or either way. am i sulking right now? no. no way. arghh..why am i being sensitive like this. derr u should get rid of it.

i think...err nver mind..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I was wrong


first song from 2am not in their usual ballad way. they are from JYP entertainment same as WG. :) huhu. nice to hear. nice to watch. it has such a meaningful story from d MV. try to listen and make sure u 'attached' to the song. haha

Monday, April 12, 2010

i'm lovin it!


the good question is..DO YOU have a dragon?
have you ever THINK to keep a dragon as your pet? haha.
i would! but preferably 'night fury'..so cute and loveable i think.
its funny how he try to laugh. uu..uuu.uuuuu. haha so toothless :)

they got others such as, terrible terror (the smallest one), zippleback (two heads), groncle (the fat one), monstrous nightmare (they like to burn themselves)...

i'm just sharing this song that 'captured my heart' after the 3rd watch(terpkse k). well 1st time watching this movie already captured maa.. hehe enjoyssSS

Saturday, April 10, 2010

kenapa sesuatu bende susah nk settle?


i do not like a problem involving friends. hate it.

sbb pertama: i hate being lonely
sbb kedua: frens are so much fun when we have them.
sbb ketiga: frens connecting people.
sbb keempat: frens share, frens care, frens are there when need someone to keep secret from our family..*hehe*
and so many reasons that u urself know how to answer.

tapi kenapa korg xbole baek mcm kwn dlu.. xde lgsung ruang tok korg berbaek? pls la.. emo xpsl kn? pdhal its not my problem. this is what i mean when i said, 'i'm easily affected by peoples emotion'. die sedih, ak double sedih kot. and i'm allergic to the word 'quit'..urgh pls. the head is killing me. *too much thingking* *too much thinking*

Friday, April 9, 2010

i am not my self a n y m o r e ~~

i am currently not myself...
i do things i used to hate.
i spent my time more on messaging.
i can't wait for even 2 seconds.
i become more sensitive.
i appreciate what i have.
most importantly, i smile a lot when i am alone.

hey, i am giving myself a second chance :)

fatin fatiha likes this!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

dont tell anyone..sshhh!

i have a sore throat..
Gegendang telinge hampir liat..
Diri perlukn tdo n rehat yg byk..

seb bek mampu mndgr n bckp lg.. i have done something for the 1st time in my life..
not sure akn ade kali kedua atau x..
bt yes! it was fun.. so thankful to ****.. love ya!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Top scorer!

Sendi jz recently bt Bowling Tournament *too bad for those who are absent* hoho.. Well straight to the point.. Atas cdgn izwan, kitorg pn dkerahkn (haha) organize bowling tournament ni for mentors especially.

Objektif: chemical bonding btween SENDIs
Target: 40 mentor sksb n sktbm
venue: Wangsa Walk

dgn arahan yg dberikan.. "meor book tmpat", "erm transport harez tlg uruskn".."fatin ko cr org. nk 40 org mentor tau".. ok kire deal la kn da bg kerja.

Tp nk cr org tu mak aih~ ak pon penat. smp nek demam da..dgn cuaca yg panas..selsema lg.. stelah pbagai onak duri kmi tempuhi..ngn mslh hari, mslh xckup org..transport? xsgtla.. org cancel la. xle pegila.. so dptla cari dlm 20 org dgn 5 lane yg telah dtempah. tbe2 izwan bt gempak suh tempah 8 lane. huhu penat kot nk cari org lg.. ape2 pn pd hari kejadian dptla jgk 33org. fuhh~ lega2.. mmg ak xmo bt da keje cmni. klo kne pon kasi ak rehat dlu aa.

well...THE BEST PART IS!!..jeng jeng jeng.. maen punye maen..tbe2 prestasi mlm tu ok plak.. my luck kot..xpenah achieve smp 120++ kot mrkh..ha ha ha ha~ WE (ak, rohmah, zam n pian) WON THE BEST GROUP kot..haaha msti xpuas hati kn organizer menang..what can i say~ korg xckup hebat mlm tu (bkn riak tp btol kn? haha men2 je)..

Afterall the event went well evn starting lmbt n kne mrh..huhu.. I'm just happy that everyone enjoyed that night. Thx to all..yg sudi dtg bg komitmen..evn byk assignment..evn ade yg ade exm..evn yg ade klas n kne anta book review esoknye(ak la tu hahaha).. You guys rock!! Special thx to Meor, Harez, ROHMAH, Eza n Bob(sbb korg sudi dgr bebelan ak), Izwan n Ell(sbb tlg truskn progrm n cr hadiah), Wan, Mey cyg, Adam(myb sbb msg gdluck ko bt ak menang *kot* hahaha) dan semua yg mnjyekn progrm..huhu

my score! hehe

girl~ u go girl! :)

i am a bad student

Hi~ da lme xupdate..so da lme xshare feelings..huhu. tersgtla bz dgn assign, sendi, projek, sendi n again sendi..da penatla smanye..rse mcm spent time tok kelab lg byk dr studiessss..nk quit tp..xsmp hati.. org laen pn mcm exm result terok..takot gk sumer org nk wt keputusn cm ak..*mintak djauhkn*.. my midterm papers almost all fail..(mmg all pon) huhu..sadis smanye tp.. npe tah.. keje sumer xjln n sumer tiru org..bler nk berubah? inila org kte 'alah bisa tegal biasa' (abaikn typo klo ade)..

kejadian smalm (12/3/2010): supposely anta assign GEN b4 5pm. memndgkan sye xbuat ape pn book review yg sgt byk tu.. pkul2 br nk start wat. even tau mmg xsmpat siapkn atleast nk cube gk. n akhirnye siap pukul 9.15 pm..pm ye dulang semula.. kononnye nk letak bwh pintu sir witout thinking yg blik lecturer tu kunci after 5. so jdla assignment xbsubmit. * i wish i have a key to unlocked every door*. da la xg klas semate siapkn GEN. tp akhirnye x anta gk.. i am really a bad student..

juz hoping everything would back to normal..
sbb tu ase mcm xmo amek shotsem. nk rehat mind, body n soul..huhu tp tgkla dlu..sbb ase math4 ni pon xtau lps x.. Hailo help me~ i need some spirit. wish me luck for final..

"niat saya belajar kerana Allah, dan ingin berjaya kerana Allah" tp da lme xlaksanakn niat tu..sbb klo sye buat x jd mcm ni kn? everyone all d best. igtlah niat kita..